Lead by Example

Lead by Example - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

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An ambassador to another country carries the responsibility and weight of properly representing his or her homeland. Everything communicated and done is received as a reflection of the policies, beliefs and wishes of the government. This is a heavy responsibility, and failure to accurately represent his or her country is a serious matter.

Now, as a delegated authority of Almighty God, think how serious our responsibility is. What we say, what we do and how we take care of those He has entrusted to us are a reflection on Him.

Godliness and proven character are supremely important for all leaders. Unless we maintain close fellowship with God through the Word, prayer and fasting, how will we properly represent the Authority? How will we know what instructions He is giving us? How will we know how to exercise authority over the people and the work God has appointed to us?

If Jesus needed to stay in such close contact with God that He could say He only did what His Father showed Him to do, how much more do we need the same? How can we assume that we can get by even for a moment without involving the Father, if Jesus could not? If He desperately needed the Father’s input, don’t we even more so need to hear from the Lord in all we do?

As leaders, we need to be people who can be watched and followed. In 1 Corinthians Paul says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” He didn’t say, “Follow me. I have knowledge.” No. He simply said, “Follow me—my life, the example you have seen in me as I have followed Christ.” As we follow Christ closely, others should then be able to follow us.

Excerpt from Chapter 9 of Touching Godliness (ISBN 9781595891211) © 2008 by KP Yohannan, the president and founder of Gospel for Asia.


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